
Sunday, 20 January 2019

The best Instagram image downloader 2019

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Instagram is all about sharing: you take photos and share them online with your followers. But what about when you want to save photos and videos you encounter on the image-based social network?
There are hacks you can use to download images directly from Instagram without the need for additional tools, but you'll find things much easier if you turn to a dedicated utility
 This may take the form of a website that can grab the images you point it at, a browser plugin that lets you download photos on the fly, or it could be a standalone program that you can use to download single images or entire collections. Here we take a look at five such tools so you can find the one the best suits your needs.
When you start using these downloaders, just try to be considerate of other people – many images will be subject to copyright, so keep that in mind. 
If you tend to browse Instagram on your computer rather than your phone, and you're a Chrome, Firefox or Opera user, this extension could be just what you've been looking for. Image Downloader for Instagram does exactly what the name suggests, making it incredibly simple to grab images you like.
The extension adds a download button to all Instagram images, and clicking this will automatically download an image to your default download location. Only the highest resolution versions of images are downloaded, so there's no need to worry about poor quality pictures. There are no settings for you to fiddle with, but a toolbar button gives you the option of toggling the extension on an off if you want.
Image Downloader for Instagram works very well, but it is simple. Not only are there no options to configure, but it is only capable of downloading one image at a time, and it can't download videos. Still, for those with basic needs, it is ideal.

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